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Done with the shame game, coming out of the shadows

What’s your fantasy PT-1

I’ve often been asked what my fantasies are. Besides having sex in a shower, I’ve not shared many of my fantasies. There are a select few, and I mean few who know very little about my fantasies. I’ve always been very reserved to sharing my fantasies. Its always made me feel greedy to share what fantasies I have spinning around in this naughty mind of mine. I worried that I might be looked at as strange, a deviate, a slut and so on… But I realized that this is me falling back into that place where I’m allowing myself to be judged and labeled by those who are afraid to explore some of their own fantasies.

So since I’ve broken free of these mislabeled, narrow minded options, I will share some of fantasies with my readers. I hope you enjoy the naughty, erotic, orgasmic filled world that I’m living in my head. Perhaps some of them might come to fruition. Want to know more about my fantasies listen to my podcast on the network. Thursday from 12:45pm to 1:15pm.