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Done with the shame game, coming out of the shadows

Thank you and stay tuned

Thank you and stay tuned

I want to send a thank you out to all my fellow Bedroom Beasts and Freaks who favor fornication .  Recently I had some major malfunctions on my site which caused it to be down and unreachable unbeknownst to me.  Thank you for your patience and understanding while I got all the kinks worked out and  now I’m up and running,( keeping my fingers crossed) as normal.

Also an update on my podcast.  There will be a new Ginger Shades podcast coming next years. I’m currently working on some upgrades and making some changes that will not only turn you on and make you horny, but will educate, entertain and provide you with some amusement and thrills.

As things are developing, I will keep you all updated  of the details of where and when you  can cum and take a listen. There are other exciting events that will be developing for the Ginger Shades blog and podcast. So stay tuned to see what is created from this spirited, sultry and sexual mind of mine.