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Happy Try A New Cheese Flavor Day- Valentine’s Edition

It’s here, February 14, Valentine’s Day. This year Valentine’s falls on the day after the Superbowl. If you’re in the USA, you’ll know that for some people they believe the day after the Superbowl should be a holiday. It’s a day of recovering from overeating, feeling bloated, having a trash can head of a hangover and hands full of antacids. Now this might dampen the plans you had for a romantic and naughty evening with your partner or significant other.

You know a day of overpriced flowers, boxes of chocolates, shiny pieces of jewelry and lingerie that is on for 20 minutes at the most. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t get this holiday. I know for some it’s a really special day, getting to spend some time with your loved one, reconnecting with them means a lot. Sharing a night of intimate moments, doing hot and naughty bedroom activities exhilarates you.

However, I’m still quite perplexed why we take this one day to do these things. Shouldn’t we be showing our loved ones just as much attention the other 364 days of the year. I know this can be hard for some couples. Work, family, and other obligations can take precedence.

I don’t like to take just this one day to show my someone special what they mean to me. I try to let them know that as often as I can. It can be challenging sometimes being consistent with showing your feelings of devotion, gratitude, appreciation, and love for your partner. So, if taking this one day a year to connect with them has significant meaning to you, then I absolutely respect your efforts to make it the most magnificent, romantic and steamy Valentine’s Day ever.

For me I don’t want to wait 2 hours for a table at a nice restaurant, nor do I need a box of chocolate. Unfortunately, I’m a diabetic. I’m not a woman who needs shinny things or being draped in diamonds and lingerie that on for a short while, I really don’t need that either. However, I will wear it if asked.

So, I don’t like to call it Valentine’s Day. This year I’m celebrating Happy Try A New Cheese Flavor Day. My partner and I are going to get cheeses that we have never eaten before, setup a picnic like lunch and try our cheeses. Maybe even having some crackers and a little wine.

I know this might sound odd, but I’d rather make it memorable and fun, rather then it just being the same cookie cutter holiday celebration from past years. Who knows maybe next year we’ll celebrate favorite beef jerky day. The ideas are endless.

To all my blog readers and podcast followers, I do want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day. Enjoy your day with your loved one, but most of all, be a beast in the bedroom.